OTB planning

An Open-to-buy plan enables the retailer to invest in the right type of stock, in the right quantities, at the right price, and to have it delivered at the right time!

Having enough stock to meet your customers’ demands will increase your sales and build customer loyalty! It is vital for retailers to maximize their profitability in order to remain competitive.

In today’s rapidly evolving retail landscape, success hinges on a meticulous approach to financial management and strategic planning. One crucial aspect that can make or break a retail business is Open-to-Buy (OTB) planning. In this article, we will explore the essential best practices, planning steps, and strategies that can lead to profitability and sustained success in the realm of Open-to-Buy planning.

The Importance of Open-to-Buy Planning

Open-to-buy planning is a financial strategy that empowers retailers to manage their inventory effectively. This section emphasizes the critical role of OTB planning in achieving a balanced and profitable retail operation. It involves calculating the optimal amount of merchandise a retailer can purchase within a specific time frame. By balancing supply and demand, retailers can prevent overstocking or understocking, ultimately maximizing profitability.

Key Components of Open-to-Buy Planning

Explore the fundamental elements of successful OTB planning, including sales forecasts, inventory turnover rates, and the relationship between supply and demand.

Accurate Sales Forecasting: The foundation of effective Open-to-Buy planning lies in accurate sales forecasting. Retailers must leverage historical data, market trends, and seasonal patterns to predict future sales with precision.

Regular Monitoring and Adjustments: Successful OTB planning is not a one-time task. Regularly monitor sales performance, adjust forecasts, and make necessary changes to the plan to adapt to evolving market conditions.

Data-Driven Decision Making: Highlight the significance of data accuracy and analytics in sales forecasting. Discuss how retailers can leverage historical data, market trends, and predictive analytics to make informed decisions.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Discuss the importance of regularly monitoring and adjusting the Open-to-Buy plan to adapt to evolving market conditions. Showcase case studies where businesses have demonstrated flexibility in response to unexpected changes.

Collaboration Across Departments: Emphasize the need for strong collaboration between buying, merchandising, and finance teams. Showcase successful examples of businesses that have achieved synergy between departments for effective OTB planning.

Set Clear Financial Goals: Define specific financial objectives for your business, such as desired profit margins, inventory turnover rates, and budget constraints.

Assess Historical Data: Examine historical sales data to identify patterns, trends, and seasonality. This analysis will help inform your sales forecasts and guide inventory decisions. Look for any external factors that may have influenced past sales performance.

Determine Optimal Stock Levels: Calculate the ideal stock levels for each merchandise category based on your sales forecasts and desired turnover rates. Consider factors such as lead times, the shelf life of products, and any external factors that may impact demand.

Allocate Buying Budgets: Divide your overall budget into specific allocations for each merchandise category. Ensure that these allocations align with your sales forecasts and desired stock levels. This step prevents overspending and helps maintain a balanced inventory.

Utilize Technology: Leverage advanced retail management software and tools that provide real-time data analytics. These tools can enhance accuracy in forecasting, streamline inventory management, and facilitate informed decision-making.

1. Integration with Promotions and Marketing:

Align your Open-to-Buy plan with marketing and promotional activities. Coordinate purchasing decisions with planned promotions, seasonal campaigns, and other marketing initiatives to optimize sales opportunities during peak periods.

2. Building Strong Vendor Relationships:

Forge robust partnerships with your vendors. Negotiate favorable terms, discounts, and flexible delivery schedules. Strong vendor relationships can lead to better pricing, improved supply chain efficiency, and overall cost savings, enhancing the profitability of your Open-to-Buy plan.

3. Customer-Centric Approaches:

Integrate customer feedback into your OTB planning process. Understand customer preferences, purchasing patterns, and emerging trends. Tailor your inventory decisions to align with market demand, ensuring that your offerings resonate with your target audience.

4. Dynamic Pricing Strategies:

Implement dynamic pricing strategies based on demand and market conditions. Utilize data analytics to adjust prices dynamically, maximizing revenue during peak periods and optimizing inventory turnover for sustained profitability.

5. Seasonal Inventory Management:

Develop a comprehensive strategy for seasonal inventory management. Anticipate demand fluctuations associated with different seasons and adjust your Open-to-Buy plan accordingly. This ensures that you have the right products in stock when customers are actively seeking them.

6. Cross-Category Merchandising:

Explore opportunities for cross-category merchandising. Identify complementary products within your inventory and strategically bundle or showcase them together. This strategy not only increases average transaction value but also enhances the overall customer shopping experience.

7. Optimized Stock Replenishment:

Fine-tune your stock replenishment strategy based on real-time data and demand forecasts. Implement automated systems that trigger replenishment orders when inventory levels reach predetermined thresholds, minimizing stockouts and overstock situations.

8. Agile Inventory Turnover:

Strive for agile inventory turnover by regularly evaluating product performance. Identify slow-moving items and implement strategies such as markdowns, promotions, or targeted marketing to expedite their movement and prevent excess inventory buildup.

9. Strategic Product Assortment:

Curate your product assortment strategically. Focus on high-margin, fast-moving items that align with current market trends and customer preferences. Regularly assess the relevance of your product mix and adjust accordingly to maintain profitability.

10. Continuous Performance Evaluation:

Establish a system for continuous performance evaluation. Regularly review the outcomes of your Open-to-Buy plan, analyze key performance indicators, and use the insights gained to refine your strategies. This iterative approach ensures ongoing improvement and adaptability to market changes.

By incorporating these profitability-focused strategies into your Open-to-Buy (OTB) planning, your retail business can not only enhance its financial performance but also build a resilient foundation for sustained success in a competitive marketplace.


In the competitive landscape of retail, navigating best practices, steps, and strategies for profitability in Open-to-Buy planning is essential for long-term success. By embracing a comprehensive approach that includes accurate forecasting, collaborative efforts, and strategic implementation, retailers can not only maximize profitability but also build a resilient and adaptive business model. As the retail landscape continues to evolve, effective OTB planning remains a cornerstone for those seeking sustained growth and profitability.

ChainDrive’s open-to-buy software offers a tailored retail operating system built explicitly for omnichannel merchants and assists with inventory planning. The integrated point-of-sale synchronizes all your online and offline channels in real-time for the ultimate in flexible and streamlined inventory management. ChainDrive Planning Software will give you the tools that make you successful all year in any season.

ChainDrive’s open-to-buy solution offers a range of best practices for merchandise financial planning, helping retailers optimize their retail strategies and drive profitability. These practices encompass data-driven insights, demand forecasting, inventory management, and pricing strategies, allowing retail businesses to make informed decisions and achieve their financial goals.

Future-proof your Merchandise Planning with ChainDrive

Request a free demo to explore next-gen OTB solutions to drive success in the ever-changing retail space.